What is AcadaEssay and what does it do?
When it comes to academic writing, AcadaEssay is here to help you. Thesis and dissertation, coursework, and essay writing are amongĀ services we provide. Everything you can conceive, we can do. Our goal is to help you improve your grades in school or university by providing you with high-quality writing assistance.
Is AcadaEssay reliable?
Positive feedback from our clients speaks for itself. AcadaEssay can be trusted as we offer quality services from our academically qualified writers and editors. Our live customer support is also available around the clock and has complete privacy and secrecy regarding your personal information and the work you submit. We've already earned the confidence of a large number of customers!
What if I am not satisfied with the finished work?
Free revisions are available if you're dissatisfied with the service we provide. We'll get back to you as soon as our customer support staff receives your notes detailing the changes needed.
How do I know that my paper is not plagiarized?
To ensure that none of the work submitted by our writers is plagiarized, we use a range of plagiarism detection tools.
Will my paper, as well as my personal information be kept private?
Name, phone number, and location are never disclosed to a third party on this site. It's also important to note that we don't sell or disseminate your content.
What happens if my paper is delivered late?
We have a reputation for being on time or even ahead of schedule when it comes to completing our customers' demands. There are only a handful of reasons why an essay may be late for delivery.
Is it possible for me to speak with my writer?
Most of our writers, like our clients, prefer to remain anonymous. You can get in touch with your writer directly via our website and send him a private message if you feel that the relationship between the two of you is crucial.
How can I know if the writer I'm working with is very good?
AcadaEssay team accepts only the most talented writers. Considering a large number of applications we receive, we only employ a small percentage of hand-picked writers. Our writers are all certified with years of experience. They all hold a bachelor's degree. Before they can be employed, each of them must pass a series of demanding writing tests. We provide excellent writing service.
What is the procedure for placing an order?
This is a simple process. Your writer will be assigned to you as soon as you contact our Customer Support Center by Phone (+234(0)8025503959), Email (help@acadaessay.com). By clicking the "New Order" button and waiting for a response from our customer support team, you can easily place an order online. When you place an order with them, they will assign a writer to work with you and supply him with your order specifications. A writer is usually assigned to your essay once payment has been confirmed. Our screening procedures are followed by the completion and delivery of the work to you after it has been appraised, executed, and subjected to peer review.
What if I placed an order incorrectly?
It is your right to notify our Customer Support Team as soon as you discover a problem with your order.
How will I know if my writer has any concerns about my paper?
Your writer will contact you through the website if he has any questions about your paper. You will receive an email notification as soon as possible.
Will my Paper Receive an A+?
We are unable to assure you the highest grade because mark allocation is discretionary and dependent on your professor or supervisor. What we can do is make sure you get high-quality paper that follows all of the guidelines. Our papers typically receive very excellent grades.
Can you assist me with editing and proofreading?
Yes, editing and proofreading services are available from the company. If you're looking for a Midas touch on your work, we've got the crew to do the job for you.
Is this service legal?
We are registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria as a legitimate service.
Only the best writers work with our company. Academic integrity is not compromised by using the services of our qualified experts.
You can save time and effort by using the resources you receive from us to complete your assignment. Requesting assistance from us is similar to working with a tutorāyou simply ask for guidance from a subject expert.
It makes no difference where you live or where your institution is, our legitimate writing service is available to students throughout the world. For additional information on how your essay can be lawfully used,Ā click here.